Structured Capital Strategies® Performance Cap Rates
The information listed here is shown for informational purposes to help investors understand recent trends for the indices. It is important to understand that this is not a projection of future Performance Cap Rates. Investors have the option to set a Performance Cap Threshold. The actual Performance Cap Rates declared on the Segment Start Date may vary from what is shown here. You will not know the actual Performance Cap Rates in advance. The daily cap rates shown here are calculated the same way as the declared Performance Cap Rates.
Please select from the drop down menu above to switch to another version of Structured Capital Strategies®. You can customize and save your preference on your browser by selecting “Remember for next time” near the bottom of the page. Structured Capital Strategies® 16 contracts are generally applied for on or after 2/22/2016, depending on when Series 16 was approved in your state.
The Performance Cap Rates reflect the potential upside for the Segment Investment. The Performance Cap Rates are set on the first and third Thursday of each month for the following Segment offering. Funds must be received prior to the Segment Start Date to participate in that Segment offering.
The information listed here is shown for informational purposes to help investors understand recent trends for the indices. It is important to understand that this is not a projection of future Performance Cap Rates. Investors have the option to set a Performance Cap Threshold. The actual Performance Cap Rates declared on the Segment Start Date may vary from what is shown here. You will not know the actual Performance Cap Rates in advance. The daily cap rates shown here are calculated the same way as the declared Performance Cap Rates.
The Structured Investment Option (SIO)1 is an investment option available within certain EQUI-VEST® series of variable deferred annuities. The SIO enables you to seek growth, up to a limit, with some downside protection.