BrightLife® Grow life insurance policy

Reliable and flexible ways to help accumulate wealth and provide retirement income

BrightLife® Grow is an indexed universal life insurance policy, designed for clients who are seeking more efficient, reliable and flexible ways to help accumulate wealth, potentially produce retirement income and fund the death benefit they need.
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Managing your tax bracket

Learn how to help clients safeguard against changes in tax rates.

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Life insurance as a private reserve

See how life insurance can offer both death benefit protection and cash value potential that can be used as a “private reserve” of cash for your clients, their families, and their businesses.

Why choose BrightLife® Grow?

  • Better Cash Accumulation that provides growth potential and therefore a better way to grow the policy’s cash value over time.
  • Competitive performance at guaranteed rates, providing the protection of guarantees with the upside of current assumption.
  • The flexibility to diversify in a combination of index-linked options for cash value growth potential. Clients will realize 100% of any positive returns, up to a performance cap and are protected against any negative returns with a 0% floor.

For your individual clients:

  • Access to growth opportunities up to a cap with protection against financial losses
  • Tax-deferral and cost-efficiency to enable your clients to keep more of what they earn
  • Reliable downside protection, so your clients can sleep better at night
  • Flexibility, so your clients can respond to changes in the financial markets or in their lives

For your business owner clients:

  • Help safeguard a business owner and the family’s stake
  • Offset the impact of losing a key employee
  • Enhance executive benefits or retirement plans
  • Build up a reserve for unanticipated expenses or needs
  • Fund a buy-sell agreement to help ensure fair-market value for the owner’s family

Client materials

Financial Professional materials

Product highlights

With BrightLife® Grow, how your clients' premium payments are allocated can ultimately affect their policy's cash value. The indexed options available are designed for those who want protection from loss but would still like some potential for growth.

Premium allocation

  • Choose from four Indexed Options and/or the Guaranteed Interest Account
  • Split their premiums however makes sense
  • Change their allocation at any time, without fees or taxes

Choose from 4 indexed options

1-year term 3-year term
S&P 500® price return index  S&P 500® price return index
Russel 2000® price return index  
MSCI EAFE price return index  

Access to money

Clients can access their cash surrender value through withdrawals or loans to supplement income or take care of emergency expenses. If taking a loan, clients have the flexibility to choose between fixed or alternate loan options to meet their needs.2

Loans and withdrawals reduce the policy’s cash value and death benefit and may increase the chance a policy may lapse. The client may need to pay higher premiums in later years to keep the policy from lapsing. 

BrightLife® Grow in action 

Couple laying on a sofa

Michael & Jennifer 

  • Both in their 30s
  • Proud parents of a young son, with another on the way
  • Started saving for their children's education and are actively contributing to their 401(k)s
  • Just inherited a sum of money from Michael's mother's life insurance policy
Dollar bill
Better Cash Accumulation

BrightLife® Grow is designed to provide growth potential, and therefore, a better way to grow the policy's cash value over time. 

Michael has a combination of index-linked options available for cash value growth potential. He'll get 100% of any positive returns, up to a performance cap, and is protected against any negative returns with a 0% floor.
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Prepare for Long-Term Care Costs

If he needs it, Michael can accelerate his life insurance benefit and use that money to pay for qualified long-term care expenses with the Long-Term Care Servicessm Rider.

Prospective client

  • Earners with families
  • Ages 35–60
  • Those who are moderately risk averse or have limited investment experience
  • Interested in equity-linked upside, but want 0% downside protection to limit segment losses
  • Business owners

1All riders are subject to the terms and conditions of the rider. All riders may not be available in all jurisdictions. Some states may vary the terms and conditions. There may be an additional charge associated with obtaining certain riders. Some riders may not be available in combination with other riders and/or policy features.

2 The alternate loan option is available after the 3rd policy year and currently not available in New York, pending approval.

S&P®, Standard & Poor’s®, S&P 500® and Standard & Poor’s® are trademarks of Standard and Poor’s and have been licensed for use by Equitable. BrightLife® Grow is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Standard & Poor’s and Standard & Poor’s does not make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in the products.

The Russell 2000® index is a trademark of Russell Investment and has been licensed for use by Equitable. BrightLife® Grow is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Russell Investments and Russell Investments makes no representation regarding the advisability of investing in the product.

The product referred to herein is not sponsored, endorsed, or promoted by MSCI, and MSCI bears no liability with respect to any such product or any index on which such product is based. The policy contains a more detailed description of the limited relationship MSCI has with  Equitable and any related products.

Under current federal tax rules, clients generally may take federal income-tax-free withdrawals up to the basis (total premiums paid less partial withdrawals) in the policy or loans from a life insurance policy that is not a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC). Certain exceptions may apply for partial withdrawals during the policy’s first 15 years. If the policy is a MEC, all distributions (withdrawals or loans) are taxed as ordinary income to the extent of gain in the policy, and may also be subject to an additional 10% premature distribution penalty prior to age 59½, unless certain exceptions are applicable. Loans and partial withdrawals will decrease the death benefits and cash value of the life insurance policy and may be subject to policy limitations and income tax. In addition, loans and partial withdrawals may cause certain policy benefits or riders to become unavailable and may increase the chance the policy may lapse. If the policy lapses, is surrendered or becomes a MEC, the loan balance at such time would generally be view as distributed and taxable under the general rules for distribution of policy cash values.

Please be advised this webpage is not intended as legal or tax advice. Accordingly, any tax information provided in this guide for producers is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. The tax information was written to support the promotion or marketing of the transaction(s) or matter(s) addressed, and clients should seek advice based on their particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor.

BrightLife® Grow is issued in New York and Puerto Rico by Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company, NY, NY; and in all other jurisdictions by Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America, an Arizona stock company. Distributed by Equitable Network, LLC (Equitable Network Insurance Agency of California in CA; Equitable Network Insurance Agency of Utah in UT; Equitable Network of Puerto Rico, Inc. in PR), and Equitable Distributors, LLC, NY, NY. When sold by New York state-based (i.e., domiciled) Equitable Advisors Financial Professionals, BrightLife® Grow issued by Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company, 1345 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10105. 

Policy form #ICC 12-100 or state variations. Rider form #ICC-12-R12-10 or state variations.

BrightLife® is a registered mark of Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company, NY, NY 10105.

IU-5766398.1 (12/2023) (Exp. 12/2025)