A strategic tool to help clients build and protect wealth at every stage of life

Clients need ways to build wealth, protect their family’s financial future, receive tax-free retirement income and leave a legacy after their passing. VUL Optimizer® can do all four. With flexible premiums, numerous investment options and an efficient, multi-use death benefit, VUL Optimizer® is a strategic financial tool for clients at each stage of life.

Protect families icon
Protect clients' families
The death benefit proceeds from a VUL Optimizer® life insurance policy are received generally income tax-free and  can be used for multiple needs to secure your family's future finances.
Tax deferred icon
Tax-deferred growth through investment
Select from a wide range of investment options that align with your client’s financial goals and risk tolerance, without them incurring income or capital gains taxes.
Tax free retirement income icon
Tax-free retirement income
Structure your client’s policy in such a way that the income they take from their policy’s cash value is tax-free1, increasing their retirement income.
Effective wealth transfer icon
Efficient wealth transfer
Policyholders have the option for tax-efficient wealth transfer to spouses, succeeding generations and charities and causes they hold dear.
Investment options icon

Flexible investment options

Regardless of your client’s investment style, risk tolerance, time horizon or financial goals, you can use VUL Optimizer® as a key part of their overall wealth strategy thanks to a wide variety of investment portfolios, including index, asset allocation, equity and fixed income options, as well as Market Stabilizer Option® II (MSO II)2, which provides varying levels of downside protection in volatile markets.

Learn more about investment options available with VUL Optimizer®

Investment options brochure   Investment series flyer

Couple walking hugging

 One of the most comprehensive long-term care (LTC) riders in the industry today

Equitable is one of the leading authorities on variable universal life (VUL) insurance policies with LTC protection, offering one of the most comprehensive riders available in the industry today. Our Long-Term Care Servicessm Rider (LTCSR)3 adds versatility, so clients on long-term care claim can access benefit payments to pay for anything they need during this difficult time, and can receive care from the person they’re most comfortable with, be it a family member, friend or medical professional.

More about our riders

VUL Optimizer®: Providing benefits at each of life’s stages

Start off icon
Starting off

Phase 1

As a young couple, Lisa and Dave are focused on providing life insurance protection for their family, growing their retirement savings and investing to grow their other assets. VUL Optimizer® provides financial protection for their family and gets them invested to potentially growing their wealth.

Growth asset icon
Growing assets

Phase 2

As time goes on, Lisa and Dave reach the contribution limit for qualified plans, and need a secure, tax-advantaged way to grow wealth outside of those plans. With VUL Optimizer®, they can increase their premium contributions as finances allow while avoiding tax penalties.

Entering retirement icon
Entering retirement

Phase 3

As Lisa and Dave enter retirement, they care about maximizing their retirement income and having funds in case they experience LTC events. VUL Optimizer® allows them to access their money, generally income tax-free1, at any time. Since they added Equitable’s LTCSR, they can use part or all of their death benefit to cover costs for a qualified LTC event.

Twilight icon
Twilight years

Phase 4

In their twilight years, Lisa and Dave find themselves hoping to leave a lasting legacy. The VUL Optimizer® death benefit allows them to pass on their wealth to the next generation and contribute to a cause or charity they care about.

VUL Optimizer® has policy management tools and special features 

Policy management tools icon
Effective policy management tools
  • Easy to read annual report
  • Manage planned policy changes and receive alerts
  • Automatically produced inforce illustrations using the original parameters
Customer loyalty icon
Simple Customer Loyalty Credit (CLC)
All policyholders get our simple CLC with patterns which aim to help clients build long-term value, even for younger insureds and for policies paying lower premiums.4


VUL Optimizer® cases with annual premium amounts of $20,000 and above will continue to qualify  for the differentiating concierge service benefits of Corporate and Endowment Solutions Administration (CESA).

Learn more

View the VUL Optimizer® prospectus and any supplements.

Prospectus & supplements

Learn more about VUL Optimizer®

Reach out to the Life Insurance Sales Desk to learn more about building and protecting clients assets' with VUL Optimizer®

(855) 433-4028

Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m. – 7 p.m. ET
Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET

 1 Under current federal tax rules, clients may access their cash value by taking federal income tax-free loans or withdrawals from a life insurance policy that is not a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC) of up to their basis (total premiums paid) in the policy. Certain exceptions may apply for partial withdrawals during the policy’s first 15 years. If the policy is a MEC, all withdrawals or loans are taxed as ordinary income to the extent of gain in the policy, and may also be subject to an additional 10% premature distribution penalty if taken prior to age 59½, unless certain exceptions apply. Loans and partial withdrawals will decrease the death benefit and cash value of the life insurance policy and may be subject to policy limitations and income tax. In addition, loans and partial withdrawals may cause the policy benefits and riders to become unavailable and may increase the chance the policy may lapse. If the policy lapses, is surrendered or becomes a MEC, the loan balance at the time would generally be viewed as a distribution and therefore taxable under the general rules for distribution of policy cash values. 

The Market Stabilizer Option® II Indexed Options are available with new issues of VUL Optimizer® policies, subject to state approvals. 

3 The LTCSR has exclusions and limitations and may not be available in all jurisdictions or may vary by version and jurisdiction. The LTCSR has an additional cost and is subject to restrictions and limitations. Clients should refer to the prospectus for more information. Clients may qualify for life insurance but not for the LTCSR. The LTCSR is paid as an acceleration of the death benefit. In CA, this rider is called the Comprehensive Long-Term Care Rider. In FL, this rider is called the Long-Term Care Insurance Rider. All riders may not be available in all jurisdictions. Some states may vary the terms and conditions. There may be an additional charge associated with obtaining certain riders. Some riders may not be available in combination with other riders and/or policy features.   

4 The CLC will always be paid for the portion of the Policy Account allocated to the variable investment options plus the Market Stabilizer Option® / Market Stabilizer Option® II Segments and Holding Accounts. The CLC will not be credited on any portion of the Policy Account allocated to the Guaranteed Interest Account (GIA), unless the current declared rate on the unloaned GIA is greater than the guaranteed minimum rate of 1.5% annually. 

Please be advised that this webpage is not intended as legal or tax advice. Accordingly, any tax information provided in this guide for producers is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. The tax information was written to support the promotion or marketing of the transaction(s) or matter(s) addressed, and clients should seek advice based on their particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor.

Policy form #s ICC15-100, 15-100 or state variations.

Market Stabilizer Option® form #: R22-VIOS or state variations

 VUL Optimizer® is a flexible premium variable life insurance policy issued in New York and Puerto Rico by Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company (Equitable Financial), New York, NY; and in all other jurisdictions by Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America (Equitable America), an Arizona stock company with an administrative office located in Charlotte, NC. and is distributed by Equitable Advisors, LLC (member FINRA, SIPC) (Equitable Financial Advisors in MI and TN) and Equitable Distributors, LLC, 1345 Avenue of Americas, New York, NY 10105. Equitable America is not licensed to conduct business in New York and Puerto Rico. When sold by New York state-based (i.e., domiciled) financial professionals, VUL Optimizer® is issued by Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company (New York, NY). Equitable and Equitable America are separate companies, and each insurance company has sole responsibility for its life insurance obligations. 

Equitable Financial, Equitable America, Equitable Advisors and Equitable Distributors are subsidiaries of Equitable Financial Services, LLC and  Equitable Holdings, and do not provide tax or legal advice. Certain types of policies, features and benefits may not be available in all jurisdictions or may be different.

VUL Optimizer® and Market Stabilizer Option® are registered marks and Long-Term Care Servicessm Rider is a service mark of Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company.

This webpage is not a complete description of the VUL Optimizer® variable life policy. The prospectus contain more complete information about the product, including investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, limitations, and restrictions. Please be sure your clients read the prospectus carefully and consider the information  before purchasing a policy or sending money. the current prospectus can be accesses through the links above on this page.

For financial professional use only. Not for use with the general public. 

GE-7730963.1 (03/2025) (Exp. 03/2027)