Caring for aging loved ones

Articles by Dr. Sandra Timmermann

Why is it so hard to have 'The Conversation' about long-term care? - Tips for getting started
Long-term care planning isn’t only about money and finances. It is primarily a family affair, as so many family members—the spouse or partner, the adult children, and of course the person needing care—are affected by decisions that are (or aren’t) made along the way.

Navigating the caregiving experience: resources to help clients
Many adult children of aging parents don’t know where to start if they need to make decisions about Mom and Dad’s care. Financial services professionals can play a role by providing information about services available to family caregivers, how to access them and what they might cost.

Making decisions about our parents’ care - Stay at home? Assisted living? Skilled nursing?
One of the hardest decisions for adult children of aging parents to make is what to do when it becomes obvious that Mom or Dad are having difficulty living at home without assistance. There are professionals in every community who can assist families make hard choices, but how much better it would be if parents and children talked about these issues well in advance of need.

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