Structured Investment Options Performance Cap Rates

The Structured Investment Option II (SIO II) is an investment option available within certain EQUI-VEST® series of variable deferred annuities.1 The SIO II enables you to seek growth, up to a limit, with some downside protection.

A variable deferred annuity is a long-term financial product that is designed for retirement purposes. There are fees and charges associated with variable annuities, which includes a contract fee that covers administrative expenses, sales expenses and certain expense risks.

1 The Structured Investment Option II is not available in all states and EQUI-VEST® contracts. All Segment Types may not be available in your state and/or plan. Check with your financial professional for availability

Important Note: We believes that education is a key step toward addressing your financial goals, and we’ve designed this material to serve simply as an informational and educational resource. Accordingly, this webpage does not offer or constitute investment advice and makes no direct or indirect recommendation of any particular product or of the appropriateness of any particular investment-related option. Your needs, goals and circumstances are unique, and they require the individualized attention of your financial professional.

Definitions of Terms

  • Performance Cap Threshold – A minimum rate you may specify as a participation requirement that the Performance Cap Rate for a new Segment must equal or exceed in order for amounts to be transferred from a Segment Holding Account into a new Segment. Setting a Performance Cap Threshold is not required.
  • Segment Type— Combination of the index option, duration and buffer you choose is what distinguishes your investment option.
  • Segment Buffer— Built-in feature, in which Equitable America will absorb up to the first -10%, -20% or -30% of any loss. You will absorb the loss in excess of your Segment Buffer.
  • Segment Duration— Segment Start Date to Segment Maturity Date, available in one, three, and five years.

The EQUI-VEST® series of variable annuities are long-term financial products for retirement that let you invest on a tax-deferred basis in an array of investment options. These options may include variable investment options, one or more of the Segments comprising the Structured Investment Option II (SIO II), and the Guaranteed Interest Option.

A variable deferred annuity, such as EQUI-VEST®, is a long-term financial product that is designed for retirement purposes. In essence it is a contractual agreement in which payments are made to an insurance company, which agrees to pay an income stream or a lump-sum amount at a later date. There are contract limitations, fees, and charges associated with variable deferred annuities, which include, but are not limited to, mortality and expense risk charges, withdrawal charges, and administrative fees. For costs and complete details, see the prospectus or contact your financial professional. Investments in a variable annuity are subject to market risk including loss of principal.

There are fees and charges associated with EQUI-VEST®, which include a mortality and expense risk charge, withdrawal charges, and administration fees. Withdrawals are subject to normal income tax treatment and, if taken prior to age 59½, they may be subject to an additional 10% federal income tax penalty. Withdrawals may also be subject to a contractual withdrawal charge for withdrawals that exceed the free withdrawal amount. For the Series 202 contract, the amount of the withdrawal charge we deduct is equal to 6% of any contribution withdrawn attributable to contributions made during the current and four prior contract years measured from the date of the withdrawal.

S&P 500® Price Return Index — Includes 500 leading companies in leading industries of the U.S. economy, capturing approximately 80% coverage of U.S. equities. The S&P 500® Price Return Index does not include dividends declared by any of the companies included in this index. Larger, more established companies may not be able to attain potentially higher growth rates of smaller companies, especially during extended periods of economic expansion. S&P®, Standard & Poor’s®, S&P 500® and Standard & Poor’s 500® are trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (“Standard & Poor’s”) and have been licensed for use by Equitable America. The Structured Investment Option II is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Standard & Poor’s, and Standard & Poor’s does not make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in the Structured Investment Option II.

Russell 2000 Price Return Index - Measures the performance of the small-cap segment of the U.S. equity universe. The Russell 2000® Price Return Index is a subset of the Russell 3000® Index representing approximately 10% of the total market capitalization of that index. It includes approximately 2,000 of the smallest securities based on a combination of their market cap and current index membership. The Russell 2000® Price Return Index does not include dividends declared by any of the companies included in this index. Stocks of small- and mid-size companies have less liquidity than those of larger companies and are subject to greater price volatility than the overall stock market. Smaller company stocks involve a greater risk than is customarily associated with more established companies. The Russell 2000® Index is a trademark of Russell Investments and has been licensed for use by Equitable America.

The MSCI EAFE Price Return Index — Is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed markets, excluding the United States and Canada. The MSCI EAFE Price Return Index does not include dividends declared by any of the companies included in this index. International securities carry additional risks, including currency exchange fluctuation and different government regulations, economic conditions and accounting standards. The product referred to herein is not sponsored, endorsed or promoted by MSCI, and MSCI bears no liability with respect to any such product or any index on which such product is based. The prospectus contains a more detailed description of the limited relationship MSCI has with Equitable America and any related products.

NASDAQ 100® Price Return Index (not available in all jurisdictions) — The NASDAQ 100® Price Return Index includes 100 of the largest domestic and international non-financial securities listed on The NASDAQ Stock Market based on market capitalization. The index reflects companies across major industry groups, including computer hardware and software, telecommunications and biotechnology. Non-diversified investing may be focused in a smaller number of issues or one sector of the market that may make the value of the investment more susceptible to certain risks than diversified investing. The NASDAQ 100® Price Return Index does not include dividends declared by any of the companies included in this index.

MSCI Emerging Markets Price Return Index (not available in all jurisdictions) — The MSCI Emerging Markets Price Return Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure equity market performance of emerging markets. International securities carry additional risks, including currency exchange fluctuation and different government regulations, economic conditions and accounting standards.

In setting the Performance Cap Rate, which is the maximum Segment Rate of Return that each Segment will be credited with on the Segment Maturity Date and is set at our sole discretion, we take into account that we incur expenses in connection with a contract, including insurance and administrative expenses. There are variable investment options available with EQUI-VEST® that are not discussed in this site. To learn about those options, refer to the prospectus.

Any withdrawal charge applicable to your variable investment option, Segment Holding Account or Structured Investment Option will be reflected in the cash value upon surrender and certain withdrawals. There is a contract fee deducted daily from the net assets in each variable investment option and Segment Holding Account that covers administrative expenses, sales expenses and certain expense risks. The variable investment option operating expenses, management fees, 12b-1 fees and investment-related expenses are reflected in the daily share price of each portfolio. Information on the EQUI-VEST® Structured Investment Option II and charges can be found in the prospectus and resources section of this site.

The Structured Investment Option II does not involve an investment in any underlying portfolio. Instead, it is an obligation and subject to the claims-paying ability of Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America (Equitable America).

This is not a complete description of EQUI-VEST®. In order to fully understand EQUI-VEST® and how it works, it is important to read the accompanying prospectus.

Equitable America may discontinue, suspend, or change contributions and transfers among the investment options or make other changes in contribution and transfer requirements and limitations. Equitable America, upon advance notice to you, reserves the right to discontinue, suspend or change Segment offerings.

The Performance Cap Rate is not known before the Segment starts. Therefore, you will not know in advance the upper limit on the return that may be credited to your Segment.  Negative consequences may apply if for any reason amounts invested in a Segment are removed before the Segment Maturity Date.

Not all types of contract features and benefits are available in all jurisdictions and all markets. For costs and complete details of coverage, speak to your financial professional. We offer other variable annuity contracts with different fees, charges and features. Not every contract is available through the same selling broker/dealer. This content is not a complete description of the EQUI-VEST® contract.

If you are purchasing an annuity contract as a tax qualified employer sponsored retirement plan, you should be aware that such annuities do not provide tax deferral benefits beyond those already provided by the Internal Revenue Code. Before purchasing one of these annuities, you should consider whether its features and benefits beyond tax deferral meet your needs and goals. You may also want to consider the relative features, benefits and costs of these annuities with any other investment that you may use in connection with your retirement plan or arrangement.

This material was prepared to support the promotion and marketing of Equitable America variable annuities. Equitable America, its distributors and their respective representatives do not provide tax, accounting or legal advice. Any tax statements contained herein were not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding U.S. federal, state or local tax penalties. Please consult your financial professional as to any tax, accounting or legal statements made herein.

For further information on the Performance Cap Rate and the risks and limitations with the EQUI-VEST® Structured Investment Option II, please refer to the accompanying EQUI-VEST® Structured Investment Option II prospectus. This content is not a complete description of all material provisions of the EQUI-VEST® Structured Investment Option II. For more information, refer to the current EQUI-VEST® Structured Investment Option II prospectus and any applicable supplements. The prospectus contains more complete information, including investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, limitations and restrictions. Please read the prospectus and any applicable supplements, and consider this information carefully before purchasing a contract.

EQUI-VEST® variable annuities are issued by Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company (NY, NY) and Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America (NY, NY). Co-distributed by affiliates Equitable Advisors, LLC (NY, NY, member:  FINRA, SIPC)(Equitable Financial Advisors in MI & TN) and Equitable Distributors, LLC. You can contact us at (212) 554-1234 to find out the availability of other contracts.

Contract form #s: 2023EVBASE-A-Z and any state variations.

Contract endorsement form #s: 2023EVSIO202-Z and any state variations. 

GE-6402241.2 (06/2024) (Exp. 06/2026)