Technical support

Logging in to your account

  • Where do I log in/sign in to see my account?
    You can access your account by clicking on the Sign in option located in the top, right corner of every page of our site. If you do not have an account yet, choose the Register Now option located on the Sign in page. For questions about logging in to your account, please call (877) 222-2144; Monday – Thursday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM and Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM (EST).
  • What should I do if I am having trouble accessing my account?

    Please make sure you are already registered for an online account and using the correct User ID and Password.

    If you do not have an account yet, use this link to Register Now.

    If you have forgotten your Password or User ID, you can retrieve the ID or reset your password online.  Use this link "Forgot your User ID or Password" and follow the simple steps to restore your access to your account.

    If you are still having issues, please call (877) 222-2144; Monday – Thursday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM and Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM (EST).

  • How do I complete two factor authentication (i.e. receiving a code before login) 

    All Equitable accounts are protected with two factor authentication, where a user must receive a 6 digit code to either an e-mail address or phone number on file.  There are three options to receive a one time passcode:

    1. Via Text Message
    2. Via a Voice Call
    3. Via an e-mail address on file

    If you do not see an option that meets your needs or are trying to use a phone number that is outside of the US you will need to call (877) 222-2144; Monday – Thursday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM and Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM (EST) to add or change a phone or e-mail for two factor authentication.

  • Do I need to update my log in details?
    No, your login credentials remain the same and it is not necessary for you to update this information to coincide with our name change.
  • Once I log in, what happens?
    When customers log in, they will see an enhanced view of their personal account summary in the new Equitable client portal. Depending on the account types you own, different options for account maintenance and administration will be available within the logged-in experience.
  • How do financial professionals, employees or brokers log in to the site?
    Access the login panel by clicking on Sign in option located on every page of the website in the top right corner. Then, simply enter your personal credentials in the appropriate windows, or choose Forgot User ID or Password, if necessary.


  • I forgot my password?

    If you have forgotten your password, you may reset it online. From the Sign in page, select "Forgot your User ID or Password" and follow the simple steps to restore your access to all your account.

    Note that your password is case-sensitive (ex. PASS56 is different from pass56). Your password must be 8 to 24 characters in length, must include an upper case letter, a lower case letter, a number and a special character (such as !,*,#,etc.), and may not include some common words or character strings (such as 12345). Your TOPS PIN remains the same.
  • Is resetting my password online secure?
    Yes. The resetting of your password is performed in a secure environment. To make sure that your account is not compromised, we ask that you enter the specifics that were required when your original enrollment was processed. As a precaution, we ask for additional information that only you would know. Once you reset your password, you should keep it in a safe place.


    Equitable will not be responsible for any consequences resulting from the unauthorized use of your password. For any online transactions, a confirmation notice will be mailed to your address of record. If you receive a confirmation for a transaction that you did not request, call us immediately at 1-877-222-2144.
  • What is the account number?
    The account number represents your policy number (for life insurance clients), contract number (for annuity customers), or participant number (for Momentum clients).
  • Whose date of birth is required?
    We require that the date of birth of the insured or the annuitant for the policy, contract or certificate (not the owner) you are entering.
  • Does resetting my password work in all situations?
    There are some instances where you will not be permitted to reset your password. If your account has been suspended you will need to call 1-877-222-2144.
  • How do I change my password?
    Sign in to the Equitable website. On the Portfolio Summary page, select the "Personal Settings" link. Select the "Change Password" option and follow the instructions provided.
  • Can anyone else change my password?
    The resetting of your password is performed in a secure environment. To make sure that your account is not compromised, we ask that you enter the specifics that were required when your original enrollment was processed. As a precaution, we ask for additional information that only you would know. A confirmation letter will be mailed to your address of record whenever a password is reset online. If you receive a confirmation for a transaction that you did not request, call us immediately at 1-877-222-2144.

Websites / Browsers

  • What web browser should I use for the Equitable website?
    This site looks best when viewed with browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft® Internet Explorer (version 10 or greater) or Firefox. 
  • How do I clear an error that continues to reappear?

    Clients that use our sites frequently to access their accounts sometimes encounter errors that have already been corrected. Clearing cache may eliminate this (cache memory is used by the browser to keep local files of frequently accessed documents).

    Steps to clear your cache memory are frequently found within the History or Internet Options menu choices within the browser options settings. If you cannot find this option for your specific browser, you may conduct an internet search for ""clearing cache memory in [insert browser name] browser"" to get help online.

  • Where do I call with technical questions?
    If you have a general or a technical question about the Equitable website, please call us toll-free at 1-877-222-2144.