Our CEO Taskforce to Advance Racial Equity

Equitable is dedicated to accelerating our efforts within the Black community. We must act to ensure equal access to opportunities and build an organization truly representative of the very best talent our country has to offer.
Darryl Gibbs
Taskforce lead

Employee committee mission

“Be the most sought-after employer for Black professionals by shattering racial inequities in our workplace and building an Equitable that supports and invests in the careers and well-being of our Black employees.” 

Jeff Hurd
Chief Operating Officer, Equitable
Richard Migdalski
Head of D&I and Culture, Equitable Workstream Lead
Joshua Dodds
Strategic Business Analyst

Financial Professionals committee mission

“Be the most sought-after, welcoming and supportive destination for Black financial professionals to build successful businesses and lasting legacies.”

Nick Lane

President of Equitable




Cynthia Bodison
Cynthia Bodison
Head of D&I and Recruiting, Equitable Advisors, Workstream Lead
Danielle Dunbar
Advisor Productivity Specialist
Tracee Wilson
Tracee Wilson
Recruitment & Onboarding Specialist

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