A life insurance policy can do more than protect for uncertainty

Life is unpredictable, but with a life insurance policy from Equitable, you can also build wealth and be prepared for life’s uncertainties. Depending on the type of life insurance policy you choose, it can help not only protect your loved ones, but also grow cash value that you can use throughout your lifetime

icon of two people with a heart over their heads
Protect your loved ones
Life insurance provides a generally income tax-free death benefit payout that protects your family's future finances.
bar graph trending upwards on a desktop screen
Potential to build wealth
Benefit from cash value that grows tax-deferred and can be accessed in the future for withdrawals and loans for a variety of needs.1
icon of a dollar sign with a circle around it
Generate tax-free income
Enjoy the rewards of your financial protection strategy with potential tax-free retirement income.1

Find the life insurance policy that’s right for you

Everyone has different needs for life insurance. Explore our life insurance product offerings to select a policy that meets your needs.

  Protect your loved ones Build your wealth Potential tax-free income
Term series  checkmark    
Term-in-10sm  checkmark    
VUL Incentive Life Protectsm Green dotYellow dotPurple dot  checkmark  checkmark  
BrightLife Grow indexed Green dot  checkmark  checkmark  checkmark
VUL Optimizer® Green dotYellow dotPurple dot  checkmark  checkmark  checkmark
COIL Institutional Series®Yellow dotPurple dot  checkmark  checkmark  checkmark
Long-Term Care Servicessm Rider 2 Green dot

Products with a green dot offer an optional rider to use some or all of a policy’s death benefit to help pay for qualified long-term care services. Learn more about aging and long-term care.

Manage market volatility Yellow dot

Products with a yellow dot automatically include our Market Stabilizer Option ® II, allowing you to participate in the S&P 500® Price Return Index with levels of downside protection. Learn more about Market Stabilizer Option®

VUL investment options Purple dot

Our wide variety of VUL investment options offer the flexibility to adapt your investment strategies as your risk profile changes over time, allowing you to confidently navigate different life stages and market conditions. Learn more

Variable universal life (VUL) insurance is a type of life insurance that can potentially build cash value. When you make payments, your money can be invested in a wide variety of investment options.

There are fees and charges associated with VUL Incentive Life Protectsm including, but not limited to, mortality and expense risk charges, administrative fees, a front-end load, investment management fees, surrender charges, and charges for optional riders. Additionally, VUL Incentive Life Protectsm and its riders have restrictions and limitations.

Couple discussing over laptop

Trust and experience matter

Equitable life insurance plans are designed with your best interests in mind. Backed by 165 years of expertise and reliability, Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company (Equitable Financial) has helped individuals and families secure their financial futures.

  • Always innovating: Equitable introduced the first variable life insurance product and was the first to offer a new buffered strategy to manage volatility in variable universal life.
  • Financial strength and stability: Equitable Financial and Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America consistently earn top marks from independent ratings agencies.

Life insurance resources

When it comes to developing a financial plan, everyone's situation is unique. Talk to a financial professional about how life insurance fits into your overall plan and check out these resources.

Life insurance FAQs 

  • Why do I need life insurance?

    Many people get a life insurance policy to ensure financial and income protection for their loved ones in the event of their death.

    The death benefit from a life insurance policy are generally received tax-free and can be used to:

    • Cover funeral costs
    • Pay off outstanding debts
    • Pay off a mortgage
    • Fund education
    • Replace income
    • Create a legacy to be remembered 

    Cash value life insurance provides additional benefits to help achieve long-term goals by serving as a savings or investment vehicle to help to build wealth, create cash value that can be accessed for a variety of needs and even to supplement retirement. 

  • How much life insurance coverage do I need? 
    The appropriate coverage amount varies based on individual circumstances. Consider factors such as your income, financial obligations, outstanding debts, future expenses (like college tuition for children) and the desired level of financial protection for your loved ones. Consult a financial professional to determine the right level of protection for your situation. Don’t have a financial professional? Learn more about working with a financial professional.
  • What are the different types of life insurance Equitable offers?

    There are several kinds of life insurance options to choose from. Each one has its own features and benefits, and the one is right for you depends on your goals and financial situation.

    Variable universal life insurance

    Our VUL insurance products provide death benefit coverage while allowing policyholders to allocate their premiums to various investment options, which span a variety of asset classes. The policy’s cash value, and death benefit in some cases, fluctuate based on the performance of the underlying investment options. There is risk of investment loss, including the possible loss of principal. Equitable variable universal life insurance offerings include:

    Indexed universal life insurance

    Our IUL product provides death benefit coverage and allows policyholders to allocate premiums to a handful of index-linked options. The index-linked options allow for a little more stability by providing partial upside potential as well as downside protection against index losses. Equitable universal life insurance offerings include:

    Term life insurance

    Term life insurance provides for a specific, level term period, typically 10, 15 or 20 years, at a level premium amount. If you pass away during the term, the policy pays out a death benefit to your beneficiaries. If you outlive the level term period, you have the option to maintain your coverage in exchange for increasingly more expensive premium amounts or allow the coverage to expire, in which case there would be no payout. Equitable term life insurance offerings include:

  • What are the tax benefits of life insurance? 

    A life insurance policy can provide several tax advantages, including:

    • The death benefit of permanent life insurance is passed on to your beneficiaries generally free from federal income tax.
    • Earnings accumulated in your life insurance policy’s cash value grows free from taxes.
    • Depending on the type of coverage you have, policy withdrawals may be tax-free up to the amount of basis in the policy.
    • Transfers among the underlying investment options of a variable universal life insurance policy are not subject to current income or capital gains taxes.
    • If your policy is properly structured, you can take loans and withdrawals from a life insurance policy prior to age 59½ without the 10% early withdrawal penalty.

Let’s take the next step

Speak to your financial professional to determine what type of life insurance is a good fit for you. Don’t have a financial professional? Learn about the value of working with a financial professional.  

Prepare for a conversation with your financial professional

  • How can a life insurance policy fit into my personal financial plan?
  • What type of life insurance will help me reach my specific financial goals? 

Already a client?

Sign in or register for account balances, transactions, service request forms and advisor contact information.

Visit the life Insurance customer service page to access contact information and forms

File a claim 

Variable universal life insurance is sold by prospectus only, which contains more complete information about the product, including investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, limitations and restrictions. Please read the product prospectus and consider the information carefully before purchasing a policy or sending money. You should contact your financial professional for a copy of the current prospectus. 

1 Loans and withdrawals reduce the policy’s cash value and death benefit, may cause certain policy benefits or riders to become unavailable, and increase the chance the policy may lapse. If the policy lapses, is surrendered or becomes a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC), the loan balance at such time would generally be viewed as distributed and taxable under the general rules for distribution of policy cash values. If the policy is a MEC, all distributions (withdrawals or loans) are taxed as ordinary income to the extent of gain in the policy, and may also be subject to an additional 10% premature distribution penalty prior to age 59½, unless certain exceptions are applicable.

2 This is provided through a Long-Term Care Servicessm Rider, which is available for an additional charge. Additionally, there are restrictions and limitations. A client may qualify for the life insurance, but not the rider. It is paid as an acceleration of the death benefit.

Equitable Financial and its affiliates do not provide legal or tax advice. Clients must rely on their own advisors on these matters.

Life insurance is issued by Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company (Equitable Financial) (NY, NY) 10104; or by Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America (Equitable America), an Arizona stock company with an administrative office located in Charlotte, NC. Equitable America is not licensed to conduct business in New York. It is distributed by Equitable Network, LLC (Equitable Network Insurance Agency of California in CA; Equitable Network Insurance Agency of Utah in UT; Equitable Network of Puerto Rico, Inc. in PR), LLC and Equitable Distributors, LLC. Variable life insurance is co-distributed by Equitable Advisors, LLC (member FINRASIPC) (Equitable Financial Advisors in MI & TN) and Equitable Distributors, LLC. When sold by New York statebased (i.e., domiciled) Financial Professionals, life insurance is issued by Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company (NY, NY).

Equitable is the brand name of the retirement and protection subsidiaries of Equitable Holdings, Inc., including Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company (NY, NY); Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America, an AZ stock company with an administrative office located in Charlotte, NC and Equitable Distributors, LLC. Equitable Advisors is the brand name of Equitable Advisors, LLC (member FINRASIPC) (Equitable Financial Advisors in MI & TN).

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