
Receive paperless statements and documents with eDelivery.

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Review and print your statements online more quickly than waiting for them via mail.

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Access your policy documents any time, any where.

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Enjoy the peace of mind that comes from having important information protected online.

Register now

If you are not yet registered with our online account portal, click below to get started. During the simple set-up process you will be given an option to enroll in eDelivery.

Register now  

Your eDelivery questions answered

  • How does eDelivery work? 
    First, you choose which documents you want to receive online, and which ones you want to receive by mail. You're in control. Then, when new documents are available we'll send you an email notice with a link to the documents. You then log into this website to view, print or download copies. All of your available documents are stored for you online whenever you need them.
  • Is eDelivery secure?
    To ensure your privacy, documents with personal information will be protected behind our secure log in using a personal ID and password. Your login credentials and account documents are encrypted and protected by secure socket layer technology. We recommend you use a browser that supports 128-bit encryption.
  • How can I get my policy and account statements delivered electronically instead of by mail?

    You can enroll in electronic delivery by logging into your Equitable online account through equitable.com, clicking the drop-down menu next to Personal Settings under your name and selecting Delivery Preferences. Once you are signed in, select the eDelivery Preferences link under Profile. Only policy/account owners can authorize this request.

    When you enroll in eDelivery:

    • You agree to receive certain documents electronically and to stop receiving paper copies of these documents through the U.S. mail.
    • We will notify you via email anytime a document becomes available for viewing on our website.
    • The email notification will contain a link to our home page and provide you with the quickest route to view your documents, behind a secure login.
  • How will I know when documents are available online?
    You will receive email notices containing hyperlinks to our website, where you can log on and view a list of the documents available that pertain to your policy or contract. You can identify that the email is being sent as part of our eDelivery service by the sender line, which will be Equitable eDelivery.
  • What software and hardware will I need? 

    To access Documents, you must be able to view the material on your monitor and print from Internet sites.

    To view your Confirmation Notices, Quarterly Statements and/or Prospectus and Related Communications, you must have Adobe. Reader version 5.0 or later. Download the correct version of Acrobat Reader by either clicking the "Get Adobe Reader" graphic on the Viewing Test screen within the enrollment process or download it from the Adobe website, www.adobe.com.

    Online documents are supported on Microsoft Internet Explorer. version 4.0 and later and Netscape. versions 4.5 and later.

    You must also have access to an account with an Internet service provider, and be able to send and receive e-mail that contains hyperlinks to websites.

  • What about undeliverable emails? 

    If an email is returned to us as "undeliverable", we will send you a letter by U.S. mail, advising you that the document for which the notice was sent is available online for you to access. The letter also advises that if you are unable to access the document electronically, you should call our customer service team at (877) 222-2144 to request that we mail you a paper copy.

    If your internet service provider advises that emails cannot be delivered to you because your address is no longer active, or if repeated attempts to deliver an email to you are returned to us:

    • We will suspend electronic delivery of documents and resume paper mailing for the next document that is produced.
    • At your next login, you will be asked to update your e-mail address. You will also be prompted to re-start eDelivery.

    We'll send delivery notices to the e-mail address you provided during enrollment. So, it's important to keep us updated on any changes to your email address. Use the Personal Settings menu on the Portfolio Summary of your account to make changes to your profile information.

  • How do I access a document if I deleted the email with the link? 
    You can access documents, after login, from the Portfolio Summary. Select the eStatements option from the drop down menu next to the policy number. A list of available documents will be displayed.
  • Are there delivery considerations I should know about? 

    If you don't receive an anticipated email notice, log on to our website to access the document.

    • If you have anti-spamming software installed on your computer, be sure to enter the equitable-edelivery.com domain as acceptable and/or valid within your anti-spamming software.
    • If you do not have anti-spamming software and the document is available online, please alert our customer service team at 1-877-222-2144 to the missing email notice.
  • How do I change my information?

    To change your email address, log on to your account and click on the "Change" link next to the email address on the Portfolio Summary page.

    To change your eDelivery elections, click on the drop down menu next to the policy number and select the eStatements option. From the eStatements page, select the "Sign up for eDelivery" or "Delivery Preferences" link to update your elections.

    Note that if you purchase a new life insurance policy or annuity contract subsequent to enrolling in Electronic Delivery, that policy will not automatically be enrolled for Electronic Delivery. You must select the eDelivery preferences for that policy by selecting "Delivery Preferences" from the eStatements page.

  • Who can enroll in eDelivery? 
    Individual owners of Life and Annuity contracts can enroll online. For special ownership arrangements, such as Joint Owners, Trustee Owners, Corporate Owners, online enrollment for our Electronic Delivery service is not available at this time. In addition, for certain employer sponsored plans, such as 401(k) plans, where only the employer receives written communications; enrollment in electronic delivery will not be available to the plan participants. In these situations, a message will appear on the enrollment screen, noting that a particular policy or contact is "Paperless Delivery not Available".
  • How do I cancel my enrollment in Electronic Delivery?

    You always retain your right to receive paper copies, and you may withdraw your consent for electronic delivery at any time. To withdraw consent:

    • Go to the eStatements page and click on the "Sign up for eDelivery" or "Delivery Preferences" link after logging in
    • Click on the "Set all to U.S. Mail" option. If you de-select all of your elections, we will cancel your enrollment.
    • We will resume paper delivery of subsequent Documents and other Communications.
    • Alternatively, you can always call our eService line to request paper copies of documents you may need.

    If you later decide to re-enroll, you must repeat the consent process.

  • Am I required to receive documents and other communications electronically?
    No. Enrollment in the Service is optional, and you may revert to delivery via U.S. Mail at any time.
  • What if I want to opt out of eDelivery later?
    If you want to opt out of eDelivery at a later time, simply log into your Account.  Under Personal Settings choose Delivery Preferences. From here, click the US Mail button. This will set elections back to paper delivery.
  • What documents are available for eDelivery? 

    These document categories are generally available for electronic delivery to life and annuity customers

    • Confirmation Notices
      Produced for life and annuity customers as a result of any financial transaction. Certain other transactions - address change, investment allocation change - also produce a notification to the owner.
    • Annuity Quarterly Statements 
      Mailed to annuity contract owners on any calendar quarter in which there was a financial transaction and at calendar year-end. These statements provide account information, including investment performance information and current account values by investment option. For certain employer-sponsored plans, only the plan sponsor receives these statements; individual participants do not.
    • Prospectus, Privacy Policy and Related Communications 
      This category is available only to customers with policies that have variable investment options, such as our EQUI-VEST, Accumulator and Incentive Life contracts. You will receive Prospectus updates, Semi-Annual and Annual shareholder reports of the Trusts' investment portfolios that serve as the underlying investments available under a variable life policy or annuity contract.
    • Related Communications 
      We will also advise you of investment option changes, managerial changes or other changes to your investment portfolios as they occur. In any of these communications we may include other important information that impacts your life or annuity contract, such as policy or contract endorsements.