2024 Tax Year Overview
For the fastest access to your tax documents, Equitable strongly recommends logging in to your account through the Equitable Client Portal to retrieve your 1099-R and/or 1099-INT tax forms. These tax documents will be made available online prior to being mailed, which will speed up the completion of your tax return.
FORM 5498
Equitable Financial and Equitable America annuity contract owners who made reportable contributions or rollovers into their IRA contracts in, or for tax year 2024, will receive a Form 5498 in accordance with IRS guidelines. Please note that the IRS allows individuals to make non-rollover contributions to IRAs for 2024 up to the tax filing deadline, in April 2025. Accordingly, 5498 tax forms are also made available online by logging into our website Equitable Client Portal (Register Here) prior to being mailed to clients in May 2025.
In order to retrieve your documents online, please login to your account online. Tax forms will be loaded under the recent documents section: Documents, statements & tax forms. If you are not registered for Equitable Client Portal, you can register here.
Below are key terms, definitions, and FAQ’s that will facilitate your understanding of the tax forms you have or will receive with respect to your life insurance policy or annuity contract.
1099-R Form The tax form used to report taxable transactions for a life insurance policy or annuity (for example, gain on a surrender or certain lapses). It is also used to report dividends earned when the total dividends paid to the owner have exceeded total premiums paid into the policy and used to report charges or payments on qualifying Long Term Care Services Riders and calling out that federal tax rules require insurers to report such amounts, but these amounts are not taxable.
1099-INT Form – The tax form used to report interest credited on dividends left on deposit and interest on death claims.
1099-MISC- The tax form used to report miscellaneous income for a tax year.
Gross Distribution – The total amount of the distribution, withdrawal, surrender, or 1035 exchange to a policy with another company.
Taxable Amount – The total taxable amount of the distribution.
Cost Basis -The contract holder’s investment in the policy (Also called the tax basis), on our records.
1035 Exchange – The exchange of a life insurance policy for another life insurance policy, annuity contract, or qualified long-term care insurance contract issued by another life insurance company qualifies as a 1035 exchange. The exchange of an annuity contract for another annuity contract or qualified long-term care insurance policy is also a 1035 exchange. In most cases, a 1035 exchange transaction is not taxable but is reportable and therefore a 1099-R is issued by the surrendering carrier.
Distribution Codes – The code found in Box 7 of a 1099-R that indicates to the IRS the type of transaction reported in that tax year. See below for a chart of common IRS distribution codes found on 1099-R we send to policy owners.
1 | Early (premature) distribution, no known exception. Code generally is used when the taxpayer is under 59 ½. |
6 | Section 1035 Exchange |
7 | Normal Distribution in which taxpayer is over 59 ½. |
W | Charges or payments for purchasing qualified long-term care insurance against the cash surrender value of a life insurance policy |
If after reviewing the above terms and definitions and you still have questions or concerns regarding the tax form you may or may not have received, please reference the FAQ applicable to your specific product.
When will I receive my 2024 1099-R or 1099-INT tax form?
- 1099-R or 1099-INT tax forms are made available online via Equitable Client Portal by the end of the January each year for the prior tax year.
- We strongly recommend clients to utilize the website to obtain their tax documents to expedite filing their tax returns.
- 1099-R and 1099-INT tax forms are also mailed to clients by the end of January each year for the prior tax year.
Why did I not receive a 1099-R or 1099-INT tax form for this tax year?
- 1099-R or 1099-INT tax forms are only issued to Equitable Life Insurance policy owners who had a taxable or reportable distribution in the current tax year.
Events that currently cause a taxable or reportable event for a life insurance policy:
- Interest earned on dividend accumulations of $10 or greater (Traditional policies only)
- Interest earned on Paid-In Advance premiums of $10 or greater
- Interest earned on a death claim of $10 or greater and voluntary interest more than $600 per payee
- One of the following events from a policy:
- Surrenders/Policy Maturity
- Policy lapse due to unpaid
loan (loan foreclosure) - Unpaid loans on a policy that was 1035 exchanged to another insurance company
- Amounts forced out of the life insurance policy on certain policy transactions, such as a Face Decrease.
- Certain Partial Withdrawals
- Withdrawals of dividends that exceed the cost basis
- Policy lapse into paid up insurance or extended term (Non-forfeiture option)
- Charges or payments made for qualified long-term care insurance (Long Term Care Rider)
- Certain distributions from a Modified Endowment Contract
- 1099-R or 1099-INT tax forms are only issued to Equitable Life Insurance policy owners who had a taxable or reportable distribution in the current tax year.
I misplaced my 1099-R or 1099-INT, how can I get another copy of it?
- Tax documents are available online via Equitable Client Portal and can be printed or saved in a PDF format for your convenience.
- If you need to request a duplicate copy of your tax documents from the Life Service Center, they will be available starting February 14, 2025.
Why did I receive two different 1099-R for the prior tax year?
- Please review the distribution codes found on page two of your Form 1099-R and refer to the distribution code definitions to determine if you requested multiple distributions that are reported differently.
- If multiple financial transactions were processed causing a taxable event for each transaction, multiple 1099s would be generated.
I temporarily changed my address for mailing purposes as I often travel during the year and/or own a vacation home. However, I am only required to file taxes in my state of residence. Why did Equitable send me a tax form listing a state other than my Resident state?
- Please note that distributions from your Equitable contract will be reported to the State according to the address we have on file for you at the time of the distribution. We encourage you to enroll in our E-Delivery program to receive mailings electronically and to take advantage of our free Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) service on distributions to avoid unwarranted address changes and the subsequent required tax reporting.
If I have more than one owner on my policy, who is any tax liability reported under?
- For policies that have joint owners and there is only one check being disbursed that caused the taxable event, any tax liability is reported under the primary owner only and cannot be divided amongst all joint owners.
- If multiple checks are disbursed for the referenced taxable event, then 1099s are split according to how the funds were disbursed.
What should I do if I believe there is an issue with the 1099-R that I received?
- Please carefully review the above information to ensure your understanding is accurate.
- If, after reviewing all the information found on this website, you believe there may be an issue with a tax form that you did or did not receive, please send your inquiries via fax to (855) 277-6122 or mail to P.O Box 1047 Charlotte, NC 28021-1047 and a member of our team will research your matter and respond promptly. For all inquiries, please include your policy number, your request, any needed paperwork with a physical signature and date, and your preferred delivery method. Corrected tax forms will also be made available via your Equitable Client Portal.
Please note that Equitable Holdings, Inc.’s subsidiaries do not provide tax or legal advice which clients should obtain from an accountant or attorney. We strongly recommend that you consult with a CPA and/or visit the IRS website.
Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company (Equitable Financial), NY, NY; Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America (Equitable America), an AZ stock company with an administrative office located in Charlotte, NC, issuers of annuity and insurance products. Distributors: Equitable Advisors, LLC (member FINRA, SIPC) (Equitable Financial Advisors in MI and TN) // Equitable Distributors, LLC. Equitable is the brand name of the retirement and protection subsidiaries of Equitable Holdings, Inc., including Equitable Financial, Equitable America, and Equitable Distributors, LLC. Equitable Advisors is the brand name of Equitable Advisors, LLC (Equitable Financial Advisors in MI and TN).
See below for the information provided on your 1099-R

“Equitable” is used throughout this content to refer to Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company (Equitable Financial), NY, NY; Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America (Equitable America), an AZ stock company, issuers of life insurance and annuity contracts, depending on the particular contract and its distributor. Distributors: Equitable Advisors, LLC (member FINRA, SIPC) (Equitable Financial Advisors in MI and TN) // Equitable Distributors, LLC. Overall, Equitable is the brand name of the retirement and protection subsidiaries of Equitable Holdings, Inc., including Equitable Financial, Equitable America, and Equitable Distributors, LLC. Equitable Advisors is the brand name of Equitable Advisors, LLC. Equitable Advisors is the brand name of Equitable Advisors, LLC (Equitable Financial Advisors in MI and TN).
When will I receive my 1099-R tax form?
- 1099-R tax forms are made available online at the end of January each year for the prior tax year.
- We strongly recommend clients to utilize the website to obtain their tax documents to expedite completing their tax return.
- 1099-R tax forms are also mailed to clients at the end of January each year for the prior tax year.
When will I receive my 5498-tax form?
- The IRS allows individuals to contribute into certain retirement accounts up until April and have the funds applied for the previous tax year.
- When making a tax year contribution it is important that you reference the intended tax year in the memo of your check. This will allow us to correctly code the transaction and avoid delays when processing your 5498 for the tax year. * Not applicable for SEP IRA.
- Accordingly, 5498 tax forms are made available online in May of each year, for the prior tax year.
- 5498 tax forms are also mailed to clients in May each year, for the prior tax year. If you need proof of a tax year contribution made to your contract prior to the 5498 mailing, a Confirmation Notice for the transaction is also made available online at the time of remittance.
Why did I not receive a 1099-R form for tax year 2024?
- 1099-R tax forms are only issued to Equitable annuity contract owners who had a taxable or reportable distribution in 2024.
- Equitable does not handle tax reporting on distributions from contracts that are owned by a Custodian or Qualified Plan. Please contact your Custodian or Plan Administrator for tax reporting questions.
I misplaced my 1099-R, how can I get another copy of it?
- Tax documents are available online and can be printed or saved in a PDF format for your convenience.
Why did I receive two different 1099-R’s for the prior tax year?
- Please review the distribution codes found on the two 1099-Rs and refer to the distribution code definitions to determine if you requested multiple distributions that are reported differently.
- Life events such as reaching age 59 ½ or moving to a different state can lead to multiple 1099-Rs being generated.
What is the tax coding for a Direct Distribution from my IRA to a Charitable Organization?
- Since these distributions are only allowed for clients that are over age 73, the distribution code is 7 on the 1099-R form. You will need to report your eligibility for the exclusion on your tax return. Please see your tax advisor for advice.
What should I do if I believe there is an issue with the 1099-R that I received?
- Please carefully review the above information regarding tax distribution codes and tax consequences of certain types of distributions to ensure your understanding is accurate.
- Equitable may not have been provided complete cost basis information from a previous carrier if funds were received via a 1035 Exchange. If that is the case, distributions will be reported as fully taxable until furnished with cost basis information from the previous carrier. Please contact your previous carrier and request them to send the cost basis information to our office at Equitable, EQUI-VEST Processing Office P.O Box 1047 Charlotte, NC 28021-1047.
- Appropriate documentation must be provided to the Equitable EQUI-VEST Processing Office at the time of a distribution to qualify for certain exceptions, such as disability.
- If after reviewing all information found on this website, you feel the tax document you received is incorrect please send us your inquiry EQUIVEST-SERVICE@equitable.com and a member of our team will research your matter and respond promptly.
Q&A Death Claims
If I am handling the affairs of the deceased Estate and/or the Beneficiary, where does Equitable send the tax forms for the Decedent’s contract?
- If the Deceased was taking taxable/reportable distributions this tax year, Equitable will send the respective tax document(s) to the last known address we have on file. We strongly recommend that we are provided with any updates to the decedent’s address prior to our mailing deadlines, as referenced above, to ensure we mail tax document(s) to the correct address and avoid any delays with your tax filing.
To notify us of an address change, please send the information to EQUIVEST-SERVICE@equitable.com and a member of our team will review your request and respond promptly.
I am required to take minimum distributions by the IRS since I’ve reached age 73, how can I accomplish this?
- If you are a qualified contract owner who has reached age 73, the only way to automatically have your required minimum distribution satisfied from your EQUI-VEST contract each year, is to enroll in the Automatic Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) program.
- If you fail to take the RMD, you may be subject to an excise tax of 25% of the difference between the required distribution amount and the amount you received. This excise tax is reduced to 10% if the failure is corrected within two years and prior to the date the excise tax is assessed or imposed by the IRS.
- In order to get enrolled in the Automatic RMD program a service request form must be completed and sent back to our offices for processing.
- Once the contract is enrolled in the Auto RMD program, Equitable Life will calculate the RMD amount each year and process a withdrawal on a specified date, less any previous withdrawals already taken that calendar year, to satisfy the RMD.
- Unless otherwise specified on the Auto RMD form, the Auto RMD will be processed on the first business day of December each year. If the form is received after the first business day in December, the Auto RMD program will be established to process the following business day and that same date will be used in future years.
Q&A Resident State/Address Changes
I temporarily changed my address for mailing purposes as I often travel during the year and/or own a vacation home. However, I am only required to file taxes in my state of residence. Why did Equitable send me a tax form listing a state other than my resident state?
- For tax reporting purposes, we are required to file a tax form to the State we have on file for you at the time of the requested distribution from your Equitable contract. Many of our clients enroll in our E-Delivery program to receive mailings electronically and take advantage of our free Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) service on distributions to avoid changing their address for mailing purposes throughout the year. We strongly recommend enrollment in these services to make sure you are only receiving your tax form in the State where you are required to file your taxes.
Why is my 1099 reporting taxable distribution when the cost basis on the contract is less than the Annuity value on the date of the transaction?
- For a non-qualified annuity contract, we are required to aggregate all NQ deferred annuity contracts issued to the same owner in the same calendar year by the same company (or an affiliated company) and treat as one annuity contract for purposes of computing tax on distributions under the Internal Revenue Code Section 72(e)(12).
Q&A Excess Tax Year Contributions
What do I do if I need to withdraw an excess contribution to my Traditional or Roth IRA?
- If you find that you have over-contributed to your IRA contract with Equitable Financial or Equitable America and need to take the excess amount as a withdrawal, we require the request to be submitted to us on your contract’s designated withdrawal form. Please be sure to identify the withdrawal as an excess contribution and specify the tax year in the special instructions section of the withdrawal form. This will ensure that your 1099-R is coded correctly as the IRS may impose a penalty on over- contributions that are not corrected. Please see your contract prospectus for information about your contract’s withdrawal charges and benefit treatment, where applicable.
Please note that Equitable does not provide tax or legal advice which clients should obtain from an accountant or attorney. We strongly recommend that you consult with a CPA and/or visit the IRS website. If you have any other questions specific to your Equitable Financial or Equitable America contract, please submit your inquiry to EQUIVEST-SERVICE@equitable.com and one of our Representatives will respond during our normal business hours - Monday through Thursday between 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Friday 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time.
Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company (Equitable Financial), NY, NY ; Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America (Equitable America), an AZ stock company with an administrative office located in Charlotte, NC, issuers of annuity and insurance products. Distributors: Equitable Advisors, LLC (member FINRA, SIPC) (Equitable Financial Advisors in MI and TN) // Equitable Distributors, LLC. Equitable is the brand name of the retirement and protection subsidiaries of Equitable Holdings, Inc., including Equitable Financial, Equitable America, and Equitable Distributors, LLC. Equitable Advisors is the brand name of Equitable Advisors, LLC (Equitable Financial Advisors in MI and TN).
See below for the information provided on your 1099-R

When will I receive my 1099-R tax form?
- 1099-R tax forms are made available online at this website at the end of January each year for the prior tax year.
- We strongly recommend clients to utilize the website to obtain their tax documents to expedite filing their tax return.
- 1099-R tax forms are also mailed to clients at the end of January each year for the prior tax year.
When will I receive my 5498 tax form?
- The IRS allows individuals to contribute into certain retirement accounts up until April and have the funds applied for the previous tax year.
- When making a tax year contribution it is important that you reference the intended tax year in the memo of your check. This will allow us to correctly code the transaction and avoid delays when processing your 5498 for the tax year. *Not applicable for SEP IRA.
- Accordingly, 5498 tax forms are made available online in May of each year for the prior tax year.
- 5498 tax forms are also mailed to clients in May each year for the prior tax year. If you need proof of a tax year contribution made to your contract prior to the 5498 mailing a Confirmation Notice for the transaction is also made available online at the time of remittance.
Why did I not receive a 1099-R form for tax year 2024?
- 1099-R tax forms are only issued to Equitable Financial’s Individual Retirement annuity contract owners who had a taxable or reportable distribution in 2024.
- Equitable Financial’s Individual Retirement does not issue a 1099-R to Non-Qualified annuity contract owners whose total distributions came from cost basis, as that is not considered taxable.
- Equitable Financial’s Individual Retirement does not handle tax reporting on distributions from contracts that are owned by a Custodian or Qualified Plan. Please contact your Custodian or Plan Administrator for tax reporting questions.
I misplaced my 1099-R, how can I get another copy of it?
- Tax documents are available online and can be printed or saved in a PDF format for your convenience.
Why did I receive two different 1099-R’s for the prior tax year?
- Please review the distribution codes found on the two 1099-Rs and refer to the distribution code definitions to determine if you requested multiple distributions that are reported differently.
- Life events such as reaching age 59 ½ or moving to a different state can lead to multiple 1099-Rs being generated.
What is the tax coding for a Direct Distribution from my IRA to a Charitable Organization?Since these distributions are only allowed for clients that are over age 73, the distribution code is 7 on the 1099-R form. You will need to report your eligibility for the exclusion on your tax return. Please see your tax advisor for advice.
What should I do if I believe there is an issue with the 1099-R that I received?
- Please carefully review the above information regarding tax distribution codes and tax consequences of certain types of distributions to ensure your understanding is accurate.
- Equitable Individual Annuity Operations may not have been provided complete cost basis information from a previous carrier if funds were received via a 1035 Exchange. If that is the case, distributions will be reported as fully taxable until furnished with cost basis information from the previous carrier. Please contact your previous carrier and request them to send the cost basis information to our office at Equitable, Individual Retirement Processing Office 8501 IBM Drive Suite 150, Charlotte, NC 28262.
- Appropriate documentation must be provided to the Equitable Individual Annuity Operations office at the time of a distribution to qualify for certain exceptions, such as disability.
- If after reviewing all information found on this website, you feel the tax document you received is incorrect please log into www. equitable.com to chat with a representative Monday-Thursday 8:30am to 7pm ET or Friday 8:30am ET to 5:30pm ET.
Q&A Death Claims
If I am handling the affairs of the deceased Estate and/or the Beneficiary, where does Equitable send the tax forms for the Decedent’s contract?
- If the Deceased was taking taxable/reportable distributions this tax year, Equitable will send the respective tax document(s) to the last known address we have on file. We strongly recommend that we are provided with any updates to the decedent’s address prior to our mailing deadlines, as referenced above, to ensure we mail tax document(s) to the correct address and avoid any delays with your tax filing.
To notify us of an address change, please contact the Customer Service Center at 800-789-7771 Monday-Thursday 8:30am to 7pm ET or Friday 8:30am ET to 5:30pm ET.
Am I required to take minimum distributions by the IRS?
- Traditional IRA owners who have reached age 73 are required to take RMDs for the 2024 tax year. In order to get enrolled in the Automatic RMD program a service request form must be completed and sent back to our offices for processing.
- The first required minimum distribution is for the calendar year in which you turn age 73. You have the choice to take this first required minimum distribution during the calendar year you actually reach age 73, or to delay taking it until the first three- month period in the next calendar year (January 1st — April 1st). Distributions must start no later than your “Required Beginning Date”, which is April 1st of the calendar year after the calendar year in which you turn age 73. If you choose to delay taking the first annual minimum distribution, then you will have to take two minimum distributions in that year — the delayed one for the first year and the one actually for that year. Once minimum distributions begin, they must be made at some time each year.
- Once the contract is enrolled in the Auto RMD program, Equitable Life will calculate the RMD amount each year and process a withdrawal on a specified date, less any previous withdrawals already taken that calendar year, to satisfy the RMD.
- Unless otherwise specified on the Auto RMD form, the Auto RMD will be processed on the first business day of December each year. If the form is received after the first business day in December, the Auto RMD program will be established to process the following business day and that same date will be used in future years.
Q&A Resident State/Address Changes
I temporarily changed my address for mailing purposes as I often travel during the year and/or own a vacation home. However, I am only required to file taxes in my state of residence. Why did Equitable send me a tax form listing a state other than my resident state?
- For tax reporting purposes, we are required to file a tax form to the State we have on file for you at the time of the requested distribution from your Equitable contract. Many of our clients enroll in our E-Delivery program to receive mailings electronically and take advantage of our free Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) service on distributions to avoid changing their address for mailing purposes throughout the year. We strongly recommend enrollment in these services to make sure you are only receiving your tax form in the State where you are required to file your taxes.
Why is my 1099 reporting taxable distribution when the cost basis on the contract is less than the Annuity value on the date of the transaction?
- For non-qualified annuity contract, we are required to aggregate all NQ deferred annuity contracts issued to the same owner in the same calendar year by the same company (or an affiliated company) and treat as one annuity contract for purposes of computing tax on distributions under the Internal Revenue Code Section 72(e)(12).
Q&A Excess Tax Year Contributions
What do I do if I need to withdraw an excess contribution to my Traditional or Roth IRA?
- If you find that you have over-contributed to your IRA contract with Equitable and need to take the excess amount as a withdrawal, we require the request to be submitted to us on your contract’s designated withdrawal form. Please be sure to identify the withdrawal as an excess contribution and specify the tax year in the special instructions section of the withdrawal form. This will ensure that your 1099-R is coded correctly as the IRS may impose a penalty on over- contributions that are not corrected. Please see your contract prospectus for information about your contract’s withdrawal charges and benefit treatment, where applicable.
Please note that Equitable Holdings, Inc.'s subsidiaries do not provide tax or legal advice which clients should obtain from an accountant or attorney. We strongly recommend that you consult with a CPA and/or visit the IRS website. If you have any other questions specific to your Equitable contract, one of our Representatives will respond during our normal business hours - Monday through Thursday between 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m. through 5:30 p.m., Eastern Time. Thank you for your loyalty.
Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company (Equitable Financial), NY, NY; Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America (Equitable America), an AZ stock company with an administrative office located in Charlotte, NC, issuers of annuity and insurance products. Distributors: Equitable Advisors, LLC (member FINRA, SIPC) (Equitable Financial Advisors in MI and TN) // Equitable Distributors, LLC. Equitable is the brand name of the retirement and protection subsidiaries of Equitable Holdings, Inc., including Equitable Financial, Equitable America, and Equitable Distributors, LLC. Equitable Advisors is the brand name of Equitable Advisors, LLC (Equitable Financial Advisors in MI and TN).
See below for the information provided on your 1099-R