Do your clients need a pre-nup for their business?
Find out how a buy-sell agreement can save a closely held business if something happens to the owner.
Find out how a buy-sell agreement can save a closely held business if something happens to the owner.
Find out about the different types of life insurance and how they may help meet your clients' needs.
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month – a perfect time to have a conversation with your clients about the living benefits of permanent life insurance.
Do you use consistent language to describe key features and benefits of life insurance? The terms and definitions below will help you increase the value of your client communications.
The lexicon of long-term care can be baffling to clients. Understanding these commonly used terms will make your communication on this topic simpler and clearer.
If your clients can no longer care for themselves, they need someone to do it for them. But who will provide that care? Where will the care take place? And how will your clients pay for it? Explore the need for long-term care protection.
Young adults are aware of the rising cost of long-term care. Now is the time to start conversations with them about how to meet the challenge.